Monday, December 16, 2013

The Electric Buzz of Merriment

I got iced in last week.  Couldn't leave the house for days.  Inches of hardened sleet, in early December no less.  Just ain't natural.  But at least it was just sleet, and sleet doesn't pull down trees and cause blackouts.

Speaking of trees, I hope everyone has their lights and trees up by now and gotten things all festive-like.  I went with a blue theme this year.  Used some outdoor icicle leds I had sitting around on the tree.  With the lights on it's an innocent, if brightly lit, white tree.
But turn off the lights and
I feel like I have to shout to be heard over it!  Even though it's completely silent!  And I'm writing!  That's how blue it is!

Happy Yuletimes!  Yeah!

Monday, October 28, 2013


It's not too late to get in the Halloween spirit!  If you're not, maybe you can help it along by watching the Great Pumpkin?  Or gorging on candy corn until your skin takes on a sugary orange patina?  Or I could prescribe the dermal application of black cats?  Or maybe you could just carve a pumpkin.

Here's my contribution to the cause..

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Bad times

As everyone knows, October and Halloween is my favorite time of year.  I've been trying to work up the motivation to write an appropriately Halloweenish post, but it hasn't happened.  For weeks I've been struggling with some pretty severe depression.  I'm normally rather resistant to such things, I'm generally upbeat, or at least emotionally stable.  But this has hit me hard, and I'm all kinds of messed up.  I feel like I'm going crazy.  I'll have some average days and then out of the blue it'll hit me and I can't stop crying or tearing myself apart.  I don't think I'm likely to go into much detail, as I don't really like to put too personal of stuff out in a public forum, and also I like my blog to be a happy place that I enjoy looking back through from time to time.  But, I don't know, I'm feeling very very hopeless.  Shattered dreams and all that jazz.  I write stories, but I'm just not seeing any happy endings for myself right now.  Rationally, I realize that depression and grief are fleeting things and that eventually things will go back more or less to normal.  But at the moment it's all very bleak and frightening, and I just don't know what to do.

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Too left-brainy

Have you ever wondered how junebugs survive?  They can barely fly, careening wildly into every solid object they can find, and once crash-landed they can barely walk with their prickly uncoordinated legs picking up every loose bit of cobweb nearby, and they end up staggering in small circles.  Yet, they somehow seem to get by.  It's a mystery.

I've been silent of late since I haven't much ado to report, other than the buzzing of cicadas.  It's the summeriest of sounds.  Mainly I've been preoccupied with that old idea of making the slave role generator concept into a sims-like game.  Now and then it just keeps popping into my head, regardless of how ill-conceived it is.  So, in order to satisfy that urge by attempting to do something, I've been reading up on C# programming.  I'm... not very good at this.

The general idea is that I might be able to make something with Unity3D, a mostly free game engine.  I have a fair idea how I'd want it to function and look, along with how I'd want a needs-based AI to function.  But to make even the simplest of games there's gotta be programming.  And that hurts my brain!  I've never been good at learning new languages - it's so left-brainy.  I get most of the basic concepts okay, but the 'grammar' of it isn't wanting to stick in my head.  I look at the examples and think, "I know this is supposed to make sense . . . but how!?"

But, I'm still going at it... blindly... gropingly...

Thursday, June 13, 2013


What's going on?  Well, there's just not been much going on around here, it seems.  I've done a little writing, but no huge leaps.  I've also been scanning and restoring lots of old family photos, to preserve them before they all turn yellow and fade away.  Just finished the album of the road trip up to Maine when I was 6.  And I have a summer cold!  Hmm, it's not quite summer yet.  It's a spring cold.  But that sounds strange. 

Anyway, I've been preoccupied the last month or so.  For the past eight years or so I've hosted the parties for one of the local kink groups.  We've been saving up our money for a real dungeon, though, and now finally we found a suitable place.  A big place!  It's called The Foundry and is, in terms of square footage, now one of the biggest dedicated play spaces in the US, or so I've been told.  Lots of people have been working on making it look snazzy with decorating and painting and building furniture.  I'm not very handy, so I've been donating lots of supplies. There's still a lot people want to do with decorating and furniture, so it's an ongoing project, but people seem happy to have such a large space in Arkansas of all places.

It feels strange not hosting the parties anymore, but at least I can sleep in now.  For the past eight years I haven't had the option, I've had to be up for every party.  Now I can skip if I wanna!

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Springtime Updates

It's been a while since my last post, but nothing much has been going on.  I'm all better from my wintertime bouts of illness... except my ear is still ringing.  I went to an ear-nose-throaty person about it last month.  I was tested in a sound proof booth and was diagnosed with some minor hearing loss.  The ringing has gotten a little better, at least.  Some days it's not noticeable.  Right now it is.  Maybe it'll get better in a few months?  One can only hope.

What else has happened?  I haven't been terribly productive.  My inspiration has been next to nil.  I don't know why, I'm just lacking artistic and creative focus, even when it comes to writing a little blog entry.  But look - I'm writing one right now.  Maybe that's a good sign?

Also, Spring sprung!  All outta nowhere.  One week it was all bare trees, the next there was yellow pollen everywhere and leaves covered with light green baby leaves.  Now everything is all sticky-sap.  It's time to start lawn-mowing and, and... doing things! 

Here's some tulips that were planted in my yard last fall.  And isn't that nice?

Monday, March 4, 2013

What's goin' on?

"Why have you been so quiet, you bad, bad dolly?" one might ask.  "Where have you been?"

Alas, my previous post's optimism about being on the mend was a tad premature.  Days after the flu, I came down with a nasty bit of flu-related bronchitis.  After that, with every symptom I overcame, a new and worse one came along.  I'd rather have had the flu again.  Ended up with pleurisy and even tore my throat from all the coughing.  Thrills and excitement!  I'm much improved now, finally, except for this ringing in my ear from an ear infection I picked up along the way.  It hasn't stopped for weeks!  It goes, "Eeeeeeeee."  Hopefully that'll clear up from the meds I'm on.  If not, I'll have to see a specialist.

Suffice to say, I haven't had the energy nor the motivation to any writing or sketching or anything.  At least I finally refilled the bird feeder.  So that's something.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

So they flew through a flaw in the flue

Plague!  Plague!  Save yourselves!

Just days after recovering from a cold, I come down with the flu.  I haven't had the flu in... decades.  I'm getting better.  Early on I didn't even have the strength to sit here and type.  But no!  Don't look at me!  I'm infected.  Unclean.  Unclean!

I haven't left the house in over a week.  I'm getting...  things are getting a little weird here. 

Oh and Happy Valentines.  Here you go.

Monday, February 4, 2013

Rottny's Inescapable Coziness

Here we are in the middle of winter and it's been cold.  There was sleet just the other day!  These cold, long nights make you appreciate all the more warm and snug things.  Things like a glowing hearth fire... a cozy bed... girls trapped in snowsuits.  Yes, indeed, it's simply the time of year for such things.  It's also time for...

Evil Dolly's Featured Fetish Artist of the Day:  Rottny
I've written before how many current artists can get lost in the profusion of art available out there.  Others have a distinct style or subject matter that make them instantly recognizable:  "Oh!  That drawing must belong to So-and-So!"  Well, today's distinct style belongs to Rottny.

Rottny's drawings caught my eye not just for the unconventional choice of bondage outfits, but also with bright and soft colors so often lacking in most fetish art.  You don't see pretty pastels used for heavy bondage very often, so this definitely stands out.  It makes me smile!

Rottny is a self-taught designer who began digital art as a hobby.  In response to a question about his influences, he said, "Can't say I've been influenced by a certain artist because everything comes from inside.  I used to envy people who are driven by a passion, because all is clear for them: They have to do it and they do it.  So, I'm pleased to evolve in this area, creating what many of my viewers consider to be truly original.  That brings me to my inspiration source, which is the winter fashion of the early '80s.  But, overall, I'm a fan of the minimalism and sensuality of the '60s.  And that doesn't regard only fashion."

Well, I am a child of the 80s and I do adore a lot of 80s clothes.  That said, of all my fetishes, I've never had a thing for winter fashion.  Instead of leather bodysuits or skintight latex revealing every curve of a bound beauty's body, Rotty prefers to clothe his damsels in puffy nylon bondage wear.  Now that's definitely something you don't see every day!  Down-filled straightjackety jackets, inescapable dresses and snow suits bulging between belts, cozy mummification sleeves, puffed hoods and bonnets... it's enough to make a believer out of me.  Now I want a confining bondage snow suit!

He says, "What appeals me about a puffy and shiny coat is the protection, comfort and softness, which make it the ideal (in my opinion :D) outfit to be confined in.  It's a thick but soft bondage.  And there is also the contrast between the slim girl and the puffiness of the suit."

I certainly can't disagree, and there's much to be said for bondage outfits you can wear comfortably in the snow.  Though I'm not sure if ballet heels make for good snow boots.  They might!  I've never tried. 

I look forward to seeing the creations Rottny comes up with in the future.  This is just a small sample.  If you've enjoyed what you've seen so far, why not check out the rest of his work?  Who knows, you too might discover a love for puffiness you never knew existed.

Rottny's Deviant Art page is here:
And his art blog is over here:

Stay warm out there!  Even if it requires someone to lock you into your jacket.

Friday, January 4, 2013

puffy-tail scrooges

I'm just down from the roof, finished with the annual taking down of the xmas lights (they were purple leds this year).  For the second year in a row I have discovered that a Scrooge -- a SCROOGE -- of a Squirrel has chewed through one of my light strings rendering it useless.  All I can do is denude the dead string for a lifetime's worth of replacement bulbs for the good one.  Squirrels hate christmas!  You heard it here first.