Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Dead Trees

It's a foggy October morning, and the air is filled with the sounds of chainsaws.  The neighbors decided to cut down a bunch of trees in their yard.. several good sized ones, including one that was on my side of the property line.  I'm not too pissed about that, as the tree in my yard was pretty small and mostly just an ivy trellace, but still.  I had to go out and make sure they weren't planning any other cutting that would lead to a property line debacle.

I just don't understand the mentality of butchering trees pointlessly.  Yeah I can understand if someone wants a yard and not a dense, wilderness glade, sure, but those trees weren't doing any harm.  They provided shade and leaves and calmness.  Some of them I've known since I was a child.  I just get such a visceral reaction of horror when I see good trees cut down for no good reason.   I can't understand why people feel the need to subdue nature and reform into some 1950's model.  It's not real nature, it's nature chunked up and formed.. it's natureloaf.

Now they're out there cutting off some very large branches off some very old oaks.. I can't tell why.  Changes the whole look of the neighborhood, and not for the better.  Yeah, let's cut down trees to provide a clearer view of the power lines.  I'm afraid to look outside and see what empty blandness now awaits me whenever I look out the windows from now on.  Maybe I'm a tree hugger.. or maybe it's alien brainwashing.  Hmph.

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