Friday, January 4, 2013

puffy-tail scrooges

I'm just down from the roof, finished with the annual taking down of the xmas lights (they were purple leds this year).  For the second year in a row I have discovered that a Scrooge -- a SCROOGE -- of a Squirrel has chewed through one of my light strings rendering it useless.  All I can do is denude the dead string for a lifetime's worth of replacement bulbs for the good one.  Squirrels hate christmas!  You heard it here first.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had pet squirrels in my early teens. basically they hate everything you have, because they chew on all of it. Endlessly. But they're cute, and playful, and I loved having them, even if they were destructive little s***s.

Pop Tart